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Cash Plan
Welcome to the HSA Cash Plan at STAMP DEMON. Sadly, the program has now closed - 2008/08/31 The information below was correct at the time of its closure. For more recent information please visit
HSA Cash Plan:
"HSA is one of the leading health plan providers in the UK.
HSA helps with the costs of everyday health care such as dentists and opticians by offering health plans as a way of helping our customers pay for their health requirements.
With access to everyday healthcare gaining increasing focus and costs continually rising - particularly for dental and optical - people are more and more choosing private health options. These provide access to healthcare for individuals and their families when they need it, rather than when they can afford it. One option available is a health cash plan – a low cost plan which allows people to claim money back towards a range of healthcare costs such as dental, optical and physiotherapy. HSA health cash plans are designed to encourage people to take care of their day-to-day health, helping to prevent any unexpected health costs, which can crop up during the year.
At HSA we believe healthcare needn't be complicated. As one of the UK's leading providers of simple and affordable everyday health plans, we understand how important your health is, which is why we're here to help provide access to healthcare when you need it rather than when you can afford it. Simple really..."
If you have been tempted by this, here's the link:
THE LINK WAS HERE TO GO TO THE PLACE! affiliate program was with OMG UK. The program has now finished. Until it returns, for alternatives please visit our Health Insurance page.